Next Monday 21st I'll be teaching an introductory class on illustrating for children's books.
We'll go to through the whole process, from your first thumbnails to the final art for publication. We will learn where to look for inspiration, discover essential structure, composition and style requirements to create visual imaginary worlds.
I will show step by step examples of the best practices and successful layouts, discuss things to consider when merging text and illustration and show various techniques that will help to bring your characters to life and encourage their interaction with the rest of the layout.
Equilibrista sobre el Golden Gate Bridge, gouache sobre tela. 2012
Nova sèrie d'il·lustracions!!! (tamany mini) Sempre m'ha agradat pintar en petit, aquest cop ha sigut tot un repte!
Tightrope walker on Golden Gate Bridge, gouache on canvas. 2012 New serie of illustrations!!! (super mini size) I've always been fascinated with drawing in small size, actually that has been a challenge!